It’s story time again!
This time we are talking about Dave a former client of ours. He decided several years ago to change his accounting practice’s IT support to a national company that produced one of the software packages he used. Dave listened to their sales pitch about a better understanding and support of their software for less money per month. Dave still called us once and awhile to help do things in person because this national company did not have any local presence. It had been almost a year since we had heard from Dave last when we got a phone call from another local computer repair shop asking us for any information we could provide to help them – Dave’s server had crashed and was not booting after a power outage.
It turns out that Dave’s national IT support company did not have any backups of the server. They had no idea how the server was configured and this forced Dave to reach out to the local computer repair shop. We gave them credentials that we had for the backup system we had put in place previously and talked them through reconnecting a network storage device to the server to get the server back to complete functionality. This process took them about a week to complete.
During the time that we did support Dave there was a similar incident with one of his computers. We used the backup system we had recommended to get him back to fully functional in a matter of hours – in the middle of tax season no less.
The moral of the story is that Dave should have stayed with Farmhouse Networking or moved to a managed IT support company that understands both the software and the things that can go wrong in a company like Dave’s account practice so that he could be properly protected.