While marketing Farmhouse Networking to the city of Grants Pass via the old fashioned method of knocking on doors, I came across a local company that does SEO for website and social media management. They are called Moving Mountains and though based in Grants Pass, OR they are really a global presence thanks to social media and marketing via SEO on Google. While speaking to the owner of this company I was pointed in the direction of a WordPress migration for my blog and eventually my whole site. After some consideration, I decided to take the plunge and learned the basics of WordPress and SEO to bring my readers a better experience than the old Serendipity blog could offer.
Serendipity to WordPress Migration
Export the Current Serendipity Blog to RSS
- Make the following change to the rss.php file in the Seredipity blog install directory:
serendipity_printEntries_rss($entries, $version, $comments, $metadata[‘fullFeed’], $metadata[‘showMail’]);
Above this line type in the following:
$metadata[‘fullFeed’] = true;
- Login to Serendipity Admin Console
- Click on Maintenance in the left hand menu
- Click on Export full RSS feed

Fix the RSS encoding
- Open the RSS feed in your favorite text editor
- Perform a search and replace for the following:
> replace with >
< replace with <
" replace with “
Fix Time-out Issue
- Add the following to the top of the admin.php file in the admin folder in the WordPress install directory:
add set_time_limit(0);
</ul That was what it took. If your company is using Serendipity and needs help moving to WordPress, then
contact us