Farmhouse Networking (FHN) is constantly looking for ways to enhance the services that we offer to our clients. Automation and artificial intelligence (AI) are two technologies that have emerged to streamline this process.
FHN uses automation to manage tasks that are typically performed manually, such as system configuration, software installation, and server maintenance. By automating these tasks, FHN can prevent human error and ensure that their clients’ systems remain up to date and secure.
In addition, FHN uses AI to monitor clients’ systems for potential issues, such as hardware failure, security breaches, or performance issues. AI-powered systems can analyze data to detect patterns or anomalies that may indicate a problem, allowing FHN to act quickly based on this laser focused data to prevent downtime or data loss.
Contact us today to learn how Farmhouse Networking can future-proof your network with our innovative maintenance solutions.
We have received numerous inquiries from potential customers regarding our pricing structure. Specifically, they want to know if we offer monthly contracts or if we charge an hourly rate. The answer is Yes.
Hourly Rate
For customers who require a one-time fix or need a project completed, we offer a service based on an hourly rate. Our rate for remote or on-site work that is not covered under a contract is $150 per hour. We bill in 15-minute increments and take pride in our efficiency. For clients with more than 2 service requests per month, we highly recommend signing up for a contract to save money and benefit from our expert oversight.
Monthly Contracts
There are three types of monthly contracts:
Remote Maintenance Contract
This is the package that most of our clients choose. It includes automated maintenance, cyber security protections, and unlimited remote support. Since most problems and questions can be handled remotely, this package offers real value.
Full Service Maintenance Contract
This package is for clients who want complete peace of mind. It includes all services, whether remote or at their offices. Additionally, it provides some additional benefits, such as top priority in our support queue.
Co-Managed IT Contract
This special package is designed for companies that already have a full-time IT employee or IT service companies in need of extra help. It provides them with the necessary automations and tools to make their jobs easier, allowing them to focus on what matters. This package also includes a discount on our remote and on-site services.
All contracts are based on a per-device model, taking into account the number of workstations, printers, servers, switches, etc. on the client’s network. We use this model because the other popular model, per user, is too vague and can easily hide excessive profit margins. Contracts can be month-to-month or a yearly commitment. The difference is that with a yearly commitment, you are protected from price increases for the entire year. We also offer many optional add-ons for our clients, such as Office 365, Employee Security Training, Penetration/Vulnerability Scanning, Mobile Device Management, Compliance, Secure Remote Access, and Security Operations Center.
Are you looking for reliable IT support that suits your business’s unique requirements? Look no further! Our flexible pricing options cater to businesses of all sizes. Whether you require one-time assistance or ongoing support, we have the right plan for you. Ready to take your business IT support to the next level? Contact us today to discuss your needs and find the perfect plan for your business.
Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) face numerous challenges when it comes to managing their IT. Limited resources (both human and money), lack of expertise, and the need to focus on core business operations often make it difficult for SMBs to understand and manage technology needs. This is where Managed Service Providers (MSPs) come in. In this blog article, we will explore the reasons why SMBs should consider partnering with MSPs to enhance their IT capabilities and drive business growth.
Cost-Effective IT Solutions:
One of the primary reasons why SMBs need MSPs is the cost-effectiveness they offer. By outsourcing their IT needs to MSPs, SMBs can avoid the high costs associated with hiring and training an in-house IT team. MSPs provide a range of services, including network monitoring, data backup and recovery, cybersecurity, and software updates, all at a predictable monthly cost. This allows SMBs to allocate their resources more efficiently and focus on their core business.
Access to Expertise and Advanced Technology:
MSPs are experts in providing IT services and have a team of highly skilled professionals with expertise in variety of technology. By partnering with MSPs, SMBs gain access to the depth of knowledge and experience from IT experts who can handle complex tasks and provide strategic guidance. Additionally, MSPs stay up-to-date with the latest technology trends and can recommend and implement solutions that can help SMBs stay competitive in the market and safe from hackers.
Proactive IT Support and Maintenance:
MSPs offer proactive IT support and maintenance, which is crucial for SMBs. They monitor networks, identify potential issues, and take preventive measures to avoid downtime and disruptions. MSPs also provide regular software updates, security patches, and system maintenance, ensuring that SMBs’ IT remains secure and up-to-date. This proactive approach helps SMBs minimize the risk of costly IT failures and ensures smooth business operations.
Enhanced Data Security:
Data breaches and cyberattacks pose a significant threat to SMBs. MSPs play a vital role in safeguarding SMBs’ sensitive data and protecting them from potential security breaches. They implement robust cybersecurity measures, such as firewalls, antivirus software, and encryption, to ensure data confidentiality and integrity. MSPs can also conduct regular security audits and vulnerability assessments to identify and address any potential weaknesses in the IT infrastructure.
Scalability and Flexibility:
As SMBs grow, their IT needs evolve. MSPs offer scalable solutions that can adapt to changing business requirements. Whether it’s adding new users, expanding storage capacity, or integrating new software, MSPs can quickly and efficiently accommodate these changes. This scalability and flexibility allow SMBs to focus on their growth without worrying about the limitations of their IT infrastructure.
If your company could use the cost-effective solutions, access to expertise, proactive support, enhanced data security, and scalability that come from using a MSP, then contact us for assistance.
Worked with a client lately to help them Automate a workflow, but you may be wondering what does that even mean. Let me explain. We all have tasks in our workday that are repetitive and consume little bite size pieces of our time. Depending on the steps needed to accomplish these tasks, they can be “delegated” to a computer process via scripting aka we automate them. In the case of the client we helped, they received emails from an eFax service which included attachments. These attachments had to be manually saved into a shared folder for the rest of the staff to access as needed. This process probably took about 30 to 60 seconds each, but multiply this by the 30+ faxes they received each day you have 15 to 30 minutes of wasted time each day (65-130 hours per year). This does not take into account the time taken to stop doing one thing, accomplish this task, and restart the original thing they were doing.
Automate to Freedom
What if we could automate this little task and keep them employee free to do other more important things? We did. They customer uses Office 365 which includes a service called Power Automate. We scripted this tool to look at incoming messages, find ones from the eFax vendor, strip out the attachment, and save it to a SharePoint folder. This can then be shared with other employees and even synced via OneDrive to their Desktops for viewing, etc. That is just the tip of the iceberg as there is so much more that can be done with this technology.
If your company wasting little bite size pieces of time in repetitive taks, then contact us for assistance.
As our business continues to grow our focus is on providing white labeled Tier 3 IT support services, RMM as a service, and co-managed IT services. This blog will be highlighting tips for using Powershell to get an Export List of AD Users Last Login was more than 90 Days Ago.
You need to find out what the Organizational Unit (OU) path that you are trying to get the count from. The following command will list all OUs in the domain.
Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -Filter 'Name -like "*"' | Format-Table Name, DistinguishedName -A
If you want the entire organization then you will need the top level information which looks like DC=[DomainName],DC=local
$SearchOU = This is the full DistinguishedName from the above output.
The script will take several seconds to run based on the number of users in the OU being searched. The output is saved to the local c:\support directory and you can modify this script to include the FTP upload based on our previous article – The script can also be easily modified to change the number of days since last login.
If your company is a MSP or wants to become one and automation just seems out of reach, then contact usto run your RMM for you.
As our business continues to grow our focus is on providing white labeled Tier 3 IT support services, RMM as a service, and co-managed IT services. This blog will be highlighting tips for using Powershell to get an Active Directory User Count.
You need to find out what the Organizational Unit (OU) path that you are trying to get the count from. The following command will list all OUs in the domain.
Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -Filter 'Name -like "*"' | Format-Table Name, DistinguishedName -A
If you want the entire organization then you will need the top level information which looks like DC=[DomainName],DC=local
$SearchOU = This is the full DistinguishedName from the above output.
The script will take several seconds to run based on the number of users in the OU being searched. The output is an integer number. You can do the same sort of thing for an Active Directory Group Count or Active Directory Computer Count:
As our business continues to focus on providing white labeled Tier 3 IT support services, RMM as a service, and co-managed IT services this blog will be highlighting tips for using Powershell to fix Credential Manager empty after reboot. There has been several users at a bunch of clients recently that have lost access to a network share due to saved passwords and we found Credential Manager empty after reboot. It was easy enough to re-add their password to Credential Manager, but it was not sticking around. This sounds like a job for automation, so we created a script to clear the errant Credential Manger files and create a new entry for the user to connect to file shares.
$user = username to add to Credential Manager of network share connection
$pass = password to add to same
Script Snippet
### Remove file folder associated with Credential Manager
Remove-Item -Path %localappdata%\Microsoft\Vault -Recurse
### Install Credential Manager Powershell Module
Import-Module -Name CredentialManager -Force
### Convert password to Secure String and create credential
$password = ConvertTo-SecureString -string $pass -AsPlainText -Force
$Credential = new-object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentlist $user, $password
# Save the credential object directly without unwrapping it:
New-StoredCredential -Credentials $Credential -Target 'Share Credentials' -Persist Enterprise -Comment "Share Credentials for $($Credential.UserName)" > $null
This script will need to be run in the context of the user who needs the credential created. Please use caution with this script as it will empty Credential Manager completely for the user context run with. Also it is advised to run a full CHKDSK /R on the root (C:\ usually) directory to make sure that nothing else is corrupt on the drive.
If your company is a MSP or wants to become one and automation just seems out of reach, then contact usto run your RMM for you.
As our business continues to focus on providing white labeled Tier 3 IT support services, RMM as a service, and co-managed IT services this blog will be highlighting tips for using Powershell to create Office 365 User and add them to groups. We have several clients with high employee turn-over which makes it necessary to often create Office 365 user. We will detail how to find all the needed data to create the proper script for each client (yes it will take a different script for each client due to different group names for each client).
You need to get two pieces of information – the license type used by the organization to create users and the names of the groups to add users to
To find out the license types used use this commands:
To find out all the groups in the organization use this commands:
Get-UnifiedGroup | Format-Table Alias
$displayName = Full user name – usually First name & Last Name $userPrincipleName = Email address for user $adminuser = Email address for admin of Office 365 Tenant $adminpass = Password for admin of Office 365 Tenant $licenseType = Office 365 license type found in research above
There is also the need for variables for each group you will be adding users to (found in research above). For this example I will be using:
$CompanyShared = Company Shared Contacts $CompanyTimeOff = Company Time Off Calendar $BillingPayroll = Billing & Payroll Group Email
Script Snippet
###Use this command to be allowed to use DotNet assemblies
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.web
$displayName = "UserFirst UserLast"
$userPrincipleName = “”
$adminuser = ""
$adminpass = '@dm1nP4ssw0rd'
$CompanyShared = "yes"
$CompanyTimeOff = "yes"
$BillingPayroll = "no"
###converts admin credentials to useable format for connections to Office 365
$adminpassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -string $adminpass -AsPlainText -Force
$admincred = new-object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentlist $adminuser, $adminpassword
Connect-AzureAD -Credential $admincred
Connect-MsolService -Credential $admincred
$mailNickname = $userPrincipleName.Split("@")[0]
###To find User License Types use Get-MsolAccountSku
$licenseType = "companytenantID:SPB"
###Generates a random password length
$minPassLength = 8 ## characters
$maxPassLength = 15 ## characters
$passlength = Get-Random -Minimum $minPassLength -Maximum $maxPassLength
###Generates a random number of non-alpha characters in the password
$minNonAlphaChars = 1 ## characters
$maxNonAlphaChars = 5 ## characters
$nonAlphaChars = Get-Random -Minimum $minNonAlphaChars -Maximum $maxNonAlphaChars
###Creates the password, makes it useable by Azure, sets it up to not require password change, and creates account
$password = [System.Web.Security.Membership]::GeneratePassword($passlength, $nonAlphaChars)
$PasswordProfile = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PasswordProfile
$PasswordProfile.Password = "$password"
$PasswordProfile.ForceChangePasswordNextLogin = $false
Write-Host "Password is set to $password for $displayName"
$user = New-AzureADUSer -DisplayName $displayName -PasswordProfile $PasswordProfile -UserPrincipalName $userPrincipleName -mailNickname $mailNickname -AccountEnabled $true
###Waits 5 minutes for the user creation process in Office 365
Start-Sleep -Seconds 300
###Sets additional parameters for account that are needed like location, license type, and sets password to never expire
Get-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName $userPrincipleName | Set-MsolUser -UsageLocation US
Get-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName $userPrincipleName | Set-MsolUserLicense -AddLicenses $licenseType
Get-MsolUser –UserPrincipalName $userPrincipleName | Set-MsolUser –PasswordNeverExpires $True
###Adds new user to groups
if ($CompanyShared -eq "yes")
{ Add-MailboxPermission -Identity -User $userPrincipleName -AccessRights FullAccess -InheritanceType All}
if ($CompanyTimeOff -eq "yes")
{ Add-MailboxPermission -Identity -User $userPrincipleName -AccessRights FullAccess -InheritanceType All}
if ($BillingPayroll -eq "yes")
{ Add-MailboxPermission -Identity -User $userPrincipleName -AccessRights FullAccess -InheritanceType All}
This script requires that the admin account you use to setup the user have multifactor authentication turned off (I know not secure), so use a really long complex password. The script creates a random password for the new user and write it to output. The script will take several minutes to run due to the waiting for the account to finish setup before adding additional parameters and adding them to groups.
If your company is a MSP or wants to become one and automation just seems out of reach, then contact usto run your RMM for you.
As our business continues to focus on providing white labeled Tier 3 IT support services, RMM as a service, and co-managed IT services this blog will be highlighting tips for Synology resource monitoring. We have developed best practices for alerting on a Synology device for resources like CPU, Memory, and Disk Usage. When these Synology resource monitoring alerts are consistently triggered it show that the device is over utilized or if they remain triggered for long periods of time then it shows there is an issue on the device itself. We also setup weekly Storage Reports to get an accurate view of the changes and growth going on with client storage.
Setup Notifications
Make sure that Notifications are setup on the Synology first
Open Control Panel
Click on Notifications
Check enable email notifications
Choose Service Provider
Login to Gmail or use Custom SMTP server for Office 365 as the sender
Change Subject to indicate name of device
Add recipient email (Best to use one that ties into a PSA or RMM)
Click Apply
Send a Test Email
Setup Synology Resource Monitoring
Open Resource Monitor app
Click on Performance Alarm to the left
Click on Rules tab
Click Create
Create the following Rules one by one
Volume Critical
Select which volume [create multiple rules if more than one volume]
Select Disk I/O utilization
Greater than 90%
Level Critical
Volume Warning
Select which volume [create multiple rules if more than one volume]
Select Disk I/O utilization
Greater than 75%
Level Warning
System Memory Critical
Memory Usage
Greater than 90%
Level Critical
System Memory Warning
Memory Usage
Greater than 75%
Level Warning
System CPU Critical
CPU Usage
Greater than 90%
Level Critical
System CPU Warning
CPU Usage
Greater than 75%
Level Warning
Click Settings and check box to Enable usage history then click Save
Setup Storage Reports
Open Storage Analyzer
Select new location
Create new shared folder named Log Files – hide from network
Go back to Storage Analyzer and select new folder
Set volume usage data to be collected Daily at 2am
Create report task
Send to email (Best to use one that ties into a PSA)
Generate reports at Monday 4am
Keep 60 reports then click Next
Select report items
Volume Usage
Shared Folders
Potential Duplicate Files
Large Files
Least Recently Modified Files then click Next
Analyze all folders then click Next
Leave duplicate file defaults then click Next
Click Done
Close App
Once this is setup you will start getting email alerts sent to you or better yet your PSA / RMM for ticket creation and review.
If your company is a MSP or wants to become one and automation just seems out of reach, then contact us to run your RMM for you.
This is the seventh in a series about the concept of Zero Trust, which means in the IT sense that you trust nothing and always verify everything surrounding and connected to your network. Today’s discussion will be on software patching.
Software Patching
Software patching is a neccesity because no person who writes code is perfect and hackers are actively looking for these mistakes. The hackers find the mistakes and then develop ways of using these to exploit the software, computer, or whatever else they can gain access to. The only way to combat both the mistakes and the exploits is to discover them before the hackers do and patch the hole in the software. This patch can however lead to unforseen consequences to the software, so a plan for testing and deployment of patches is needed to avoid unexpected downtime to businesses.Here are some questions to ask:
Do you know all of the hardware and software on your network?
Do you check for hardware, operating system, and other software regularly?
How do you check for updates, patches, or upgrades to software?
How do you install these patches? Is it automated?
Are these patches tested before installation?
What happens if a patch causes problems?
Do you have a log of all installed updates?
Are any systems or software on your network no longer supported for updates?
If your company is going to use full disk encryption or has compliance requirements that you need consulting for, then contact us for assistance.
And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others. As the Scriptures say,
“They share freely and give generously to the poor. Their good deeds will be remembered forever.”
For God is the one who provides seed for the farmer and then bread to eat. In the same way, he will provide and increase your resources and then produce a great harvest of generosity in you. - 2 Corinthians 9:8-10
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