Many have by now experienced the annoyance of the Get Windows 10 (GWX) notification icon down by the clock and the subsequent pop-ups asking to install this update. There have also been reports that the update for some has automatically started and without user intervention the update will install itself. I have found two tools that will help to remove the notification, its related files and block the update from happening automatically.
GRC – Never10
Never10 is a great little tool made by Steve Gibson to both disable the update but also remove the files. This is done in two easy clicks of the “Disable Win10 Upgrade” button and “Remove Win10 Files” buttons on the main program screen.
Ultimate Outsider – GWX Control Panel
GWX Control Panel is more in-depth tool that allows removal of every trace of the Get Windows 10 update. There are several buttons that will need to be pressed here to complete the removal process, so for you techie people this is the way to go.
If your company is having issues with the Get Windows 10 update or would like to proceed with a deployment of Windows 10 to your network, then contact us for assistance.