Whether you are buying something from an online store, reading your email in the browser, checking your account balances, or uploading photos / videos to social media, most websites require an individual username and password when accessing their services. This raises various problems.
What’s with ALL the Passwords?
Using the same password for all the websites you access is a bad idea and horribly insecure. If we run a quick check on the “Dark Web” for your email address, it would likely show that hackers already know the one password you have been using forever. So the only other option is multiple passwords, which can easily go beyond the limits of our feeble human brains to keep track of OR people start creating a list that is typically typed up and saved on the computer – if a hacker gets into the computer then all the passwords are theirs too. So then the option is to find a secure way of storing and backing up these passwords, not to mention trying to make them easy to use.
Rangle Them Passwords!
That is the job of Password Management done by a small piece of software known as a password manager. It takes the complexity down to remembering the one password to open the software, then it tracks the rest from there. The good ones have the ability to generate passwords for you, store them in connection with the website you are visiting, auto-filling the password fields on the websites when you visit them again, and backup your passwords to the cloud – all with strong security and encryption to keep the hackers out of your business.
If your company is still typing passwords into a list, or worse have a paper list, then contact us for assistance migrating to a password manager.