Mobile devices enable Americans to get online wherever they are. Although mobile devices — from smart watches to phones and tables — can be extremely useful and convenient, there are also potential threats users may face with such technology. It’s important to understand how to protect yourself when connecting on the go.
• 56 percent of American adults own a smartphone.
• More than half of mobile application (app) users have uninstalled or decided not to install an app due to concerns about their personal information.
1. Use strong passwords.
Change any default passwords on your mobile device to ones that would be difficult for someone to guess. Use different passwords for different programs and devices. Do not choose options that allow your device to remember your passwords. (We recommend LastPass Mobile App to keep track of password, encryption of the phone and fingerprint scanning for unlocking your device.)
2. Keep software up to date.
Install updates for apps and your device’s operating system as soon as they are available. Keeping the software on your mobile device up to date will prevent attackers from being able to take advantage of known vulnerabilities. (Unfortunately the carrier that you choose is in charge of the OS updates on the phones, but allow auto updates on all other apps.)
3. Disable remote connectivity.
Some mobile devices are equipped with wireless technologies, such as Bluetooth, that can connect to other devices. Disable these features when they are not in use. (Look out for NFC also as this will allow access based on how close someone gets to your phone – think crowded elevator.)
4. Be careful what you post and when.
Wait to post pictures from trips and events so that people do not know where to find you. Posting where you are also reminds others that your house is empty.
5. Guard your mobile device.
In order to prevent theft and unauthorized access, never leave your mobile device unattended in a public place and lock your device when it is not in use.
6. Know your apps.
Be sure to review and understand the details of an app before downloading and installing it. Be aware that apps may request access to your location and personal information. Delete any apps that you do not use regularly to increase your security. (Also do not root your phone or install apps from any place platforms app store.)
7. Know the available resources.
Use the Federal Communications Commission’s Smartphone Security Checker at
If your company is concerned about cybersecurity and wants to take the needed steps to protect yourselves, then contact us for assistance.